Welcome to my space on the internet

get it? my “space” because we’re in space? … no? well..

Anyway this is my little corner of the internet, thanks for checking it out whoever you are. You can find a lot of stuff about me here like my credit card info, hobbies, interests, drawings and other stuff.

If you wanna see more about me check out my about me page.

Oh you want something else? do you wanna see the pictures I made? well than my gallery page is just for you.

Not even that? well than surely you’re here for the projects I made.

Maybe you want to learn more aboot about me? oh well I’m flattered (✿◡‿◡) well than go look at stuff i like. u can find tv siries, music, games and more stuff like that there.

Oh u want to see my main blog? It’s right here:


Here are my latest posts:

Site Update #1

2024 Jul 04 13:54

Hii! this is the first ever update to this site since I moved to nekoweb! Here’s the change log: Updated about me page Made cake

First Ever Post

2024 Jul 01 10:15

Hi everyone! This is my first post on this new website! I’m so exited to share this with everyone! I’m currently very actively working on this website so be careful when visiting sites you might run into construction sites! Hope u like it here! Wamp <3